13 Actionable Tips to Improve UX and Unlock Growth for B2B SaaS Startups

May 21, 2024

In the fiercely competitive arena of SaaS startups, fine-tuning your user experience (UX) could be your secret weapon.

When your app or product nails the UX, it becomes a magnet for user engagement, a generator of leads, and a catalyst for increased revenue.

This guide sets out a comprehensive UX improvement strategy that touches on every phase of the customer journey—acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue—fitting neatly within the proven AARRR startup metrics model.


The AARRR framework, standing for Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue, provides a structured approach to analyzing and improving your SaaS product's user experience.

Optimise your landing page (Acquisition)

✔️ Site performance audit

✔️ One concise line of what problems you're solving and what's your solution

✔️ Enhance Product Comprehension with Engaging Videos

✔️ Forge Credibility through Client Endorsements

✔️ Speak Directly to Your Customer's Needs

Simplify the Sign-Up Process (Acquisition)

✔️ Reduce number of clicks as many as possible

✔️ Enable Quick Access with Social Sign-Ons

✔️ Using visual traits to drive user actions.

✔️ Delayed sign-up approach

Crafting a stunning user onboarding process and more (Activation & Referral)

✔️ Define the aha moments (where value offered by your product)

✔️ A checklist with actions that lead to activation point

✔️ Automate onboarding email series triggered by in-app activities

✔️ Fast-Track the 'Aha!' Moment

Optimise your landing page (Acquisition)

Your landing page makes the crucial first impression and sets the stage for user acquisition.

Ensure your landing page is succinct, clear, and prompts action, like starting a free trial.

To turn first-time visitors into active leads, your landing page should load rapidly, present content in an easily digestible format, address the core needs of your prospective customers, and prominently feature calls to action that are impossible to overlook.

Below, discover 5 key strategies, exemplified by flourishing B2B SaaS enterprises, to transform your landing page into a powerful conversion tool.

1. Site performance audit

Utilize Google's PageSpeed Insights to optimize your site's loading speed for mobile and desktop. Regularly test performance across various regions to ensure a smooth, consistent experience for all users.

PageSpeed Insights

2. One concise line of what problems you're solving and what's your solution

Within Slater.app's example as shown below, a single succinct sentence clarifies the problem, the intended audience, and the suggested solution very well.

Slater.app landing page

3. Enhance product comprehension with engaging videos

Through visual demonstrations with Voiceflow's example below, users can quickly grasp the value and applications of your features, removing any barriers to understanding.

Voiceflow landing page animations

4. Forge credibility through client endorsements

Boost growth by featuring client testimonials. Showcase concise, powerful video and written reviews demonstrating your service's impact, attracting new clients with authentic success stories.

ShipFast landing page testimonials

5. Speak directly to your customer's needs

Connect with your audience by reflecting their language and concerns. Make it clear that your solutions are precisely tailored to solve their unique challenges.

For instance, in the example provided by MailChimp below, the platform's core audience consists of marketers looking to build trust and generate leads. The value proposition is exceptionally well-articulated, resonating with customers by addressing their specific needs and concerns directly.

Mailchimp landing page

For more insights on crafting a high-converting landing page, access our ultimate SEO checklist here.

Simplify the Sign-Up Process (Acquisition)

For better user acquisition, streamline your sign-up procedure by minimizing the steps required and only asking for essential information.

1. Reduce number of clicks as many as possible

Remember, your audiences are busy & lazy professionals, try your best to save their time and make their life easier.

In Apollo's example below, there's only the email field is requested from users.

Apollo landing page

2. Enable quick access with social Sign-Ons

Incorporate social sign-ons such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google to expedite the sign-up process, boosting security and user convenience.

Typeform signup page

3. Using visual traits to drive user actions

In the example from Dext, the background image illustrates the benefits users will receive, serving as an incentive for them to proceed with further actions.

Dext signup page

4. Delayed sign-up approach

Explore the innovative strategy of bypassing the initial signup process for product trials. This can dramatically simplify entry points and encourage instant connection and exploration of your product by prospective users.

Leveraging Canva's approach as a prime example, the platform empowers users to experiment with the video editor before prompting for registration, enhancing user engagement and trust right from the start.

Delayed signup in Canva

Crafting a stunning user onboarding process and more (Activation & Referral)

Craft an engaging and intuitive user onboarding experience that swiftly educates new users about your product, empowering them to achieve early wins and realize its value.

1. Define the aha moments (where value offered by your product)

An "aha moment" in your app occurs when users suddenly understand how it can solve their specific problem or enhance their experience. This realization is often marked by:

  • Instant Gratification: Users immediately see how the app meets their needs or desires.
  • Emotional Connection: Users feel a strong positive emotion, such as excitement or relief.
  • Change in Usage: Users begin to use the app more frequently or in a deeper, more meaningful way.

2. A checklist with actions that lead to activation point

In-app guidance, such as step-by-step tutorials and tooltips, plays a crucial role in user activation by easing the learning process.

Gusto’s example spotlights a clever feature—a step-by-step progress tracker—that simplifies navigation through intricate tasks such as managing payroll or accounting. This intuitive tool keeps users informed of their current position and the next steps they need to take, providing clarity in processes that are often considered complex.

Checklist in accounting software Gusto

3. Automate onboarding email series triggered by in-app activities

Leveraging automated onboarding emails triggered by user activity can significantly enhance engagement. Tailored emails at key moments help users navigate your product and quickly uncover its value, boosting their experience and your retention rates.

4.  Fast-Track the 'Aha!' Moment

Guiding principle: make it exceptionally simple for your audiences to experience the value your product offers.

To create a user onboarding experience that truly resonates, it's imperative to have a deep comprehension of your customer base. Understanding their behaviors, motivations, and the underlying mental models that govern their decision processes allows you to align your offering precisely with their expectations and needs.

If your platform offers a diverse range of features or caters to different user segments, it's crucial to not adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. Tailor the onboarding process to highlight the specific value or offerings that best align with a particular user group's objectives. This customization extends beyond mere feature demonstration; it encompasses the communication style, the pace at which information is presented, and the level of guidance provided.

Canva stands out in its remarkable ability to swiftly guide users toward their intended goals with efficiency and precision.

Canva in-app experience


To maximize the effectiveness of B2B SaaS startups' UX, we offer 13 tips aligned with the AARRR framework.

Key takeaways involve enhancing landing page load times, articulating your value proposition succinctly, using captivating videos and customer endorsements, and catering to customer requirements. Simplify the signup flow with fewer steps and social sign-ins to ease user progress. An effective onboarding sequence, utilizing key realization moments, clear guidance, and customized emails, is vital in helping users swiftly recognize and utilize your product's full potential.

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